Huawei launched two new smartphone models, Mate 60 Pro+ and Mate X5 smartphones, on September 8. The company started the first batch of pre-orders for both models at 10:08 am on the day, without disclosing specific information about their prices and processors; customers were able to pre-order with an RMB 1,000 ($136) deposit. Compared to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro released last week, the Pro+ handset sees improvements in camera capabilities, according to specification information available on Huawei’s online store Vmall. The plus version supports not only Tiantong satellite calls and messaging, but also Beidou satellite messaging, which allows users to send and receive messages through the Beidou satellite system without relying on conventional terrestrial signals. Huawei’s new foldable Mate X5 phones are equipped with a 5,060mAh high-silicon negative electrode battery and support 66W wired and 50W wireless super-fast charging, according to Huawei. [IFeng, in Chinese]