Shares of Shenzhen-listed software company Sinodata hit the daily increase limit on Wednesday afternoon during the trading session after announcing it will get priority access to the API for OpenAI’s Sora model when it is available on Azure, through a deal with Microsoft. Several hours later, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange asked the company to explain the specific meaning of Sora API subscription eligibility. However, Sinodata’s stock price reached the maximum daily limit on gains at the opening of today’s trading session due to investor frenzy fueled by OpenAI’s text-to-video model Sora. According to the Beijing-based firm’s statement on WeChat, Sinodata is an official member of Microsoft’s AI Cloud Partner Program, with both parties having an “extensive discussion” on the multi-scenario application of Sora in the fields of China’s banks, e-commerce, and web dramas on Tuesday. [Sinodata, in Chinese]