
Motorola is losing its market share. I dislike it mainly because its crappy operating system although some of its models do have fancy design. More and more people here talk about iPhone and ShanZhaiJi (“Bandit Cell Phones”). (btw, a very funny and true story I recently heard. A 5 years old girl saw her uncle (my friend) using iPhone, then she asked him: Uncle, is your iPhone a ShanZhaiJi?)

Nokia is changing its strategy and telling people its an Internet company, not just a phone manufacturer, and Motorola is also seeking its way to fight back. Obviously, the first thing Moto needs to do is to abandon its own mobile system. So Moto goes for Android. Secondly, it needs to embrace Mobile 2.0. So in China, it partners with Xiaonei which recently is renamed RenRen. (Facebook is integrated in U.S. market.)

A friend who is involved with Moto and Xiaonei’s partnership told me, Motorola Android phones will be bundled with Xiaonei’s service and available in market soon. I asked him: what do you mean ‘bundled’? Is it just an Xiaonei application which is pre-installed in the phone? His answer:

No. It’s System Level Integration. Basically, using the new Moto phone, you can simply send message to your Xiaonei friends, update your status etc. which are integrated as standard functions like SMS.

I am not sure about the exact models of these Xiaonei powered Android Motorola phones, they said they would be on market in October when iPhone is said to be available in China too.

Dr. Gang Lu - Founder of TechNode. He's a Blogger, a Geek, a PhD and a Speaker, with passion in Tech, Internet and R'N'R.

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