Chinese internet portal and gaming company NetEase has reached a collaboration agreement with Disney and China International Comics and Games Expo (CCG EXPO) allowing them to publish 12 Marvel comics on NetEase’s digital comic platform, according to a report by ifanr (in Chinese).

Comics introduced on the platform include Guardians of the Galaxy, Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers, Dr. Strange, Captain America: Steve Rogers, Civil War, Iron Man, and more. Right now, the most popular title is Civil War.

The two sides have also announced that they are developing a top-secret superhero from China. The aim is to create a modern Chinese superhero based on Marvel’s elements with inspiration from modern China. So far Marvel has only featured Chinese characters as supporting characters or as villains, such as the Mandarin from Iron Man.

The comics are just the first step. NetEasy and Disney plan to collaborate on developing games, films, novels, and other products.

Marvel, much like Disney, has been popular among Chinese fans for a while. So far, movies from Marvel’s series have grossed more than RMB 8 billion in China. Sales volume of related consumer goods, both in print and digital domains, have been rising by more than 55% for three years in a row.

Masha Borak is a technology reporter based in Beijing. Write to her at masha.borak [at] Pitches with the word "disruptive" will be ignored. Read a good book - learn some more adjectives.

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