滴滴出行 App Store 下载排名从第 9 滑落至第 61 名 – 动点科技

What happened: Didi Chuxing’s app downloads have taken a nosedive following the second passenger murder that sparked nationwide outrage. According to data from mobile insights and analytics firm App Annie, the ride-hailing app was ranked the 9th on Apple’s iOS app store in China on Aug 20th, but slipped to 61st in just 9 days.

Why it’s important: Didi Chuxing, China largest ride-hailing company, is now facing intense pressure from both the public and authorities to improve passenger safety. The company has since suspended its Hitch carpooling service as it examines its practices. In May, a young flight attendant was found murdered by her Hitch driver, which prompted Didi to suspend the carpool service for six weeks as it adds new features to improve the safety of passengers.

Nicole Jao is a reporter based in Beijing. She’s passionate about emerging trends, news, and stories of human interest within the world of technology. Connect with her on Twitter or via email: nicole.jao.iting@gmail.com.

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