Mobile technology is permeating into nearly every facet of society these days. One champion of bringing technology and fashion together in China is former award winning fashion model, Anina Net. Anina is a fixture at many Beijing tech events and is passionate about exploring how mobile technology can be used to bring people closer to fashion.

Last month, Anina’s 360Fashion Network was invited by the China International Clothing and Accessories Fair (CHIC) to create an 800-sqm FASHION AND MOBILE ZONE at the New China International Exhibition Center.

The zone showcases how fashion brands can harness the latest mobile technologies in their brand building, retail space, and advertising campaigns. The zone allowed visitors to experience the power of Augmented Reality, QRCodes, and Near Filed Communication (NFC) as presented on the three different walls of the zone.

Dedicated to the celebration of the CHIC’s 20th anniversary, the Augmented Reality area was designed by 360Fashion with a historical timeline of the CHIC. Past photos and videos of the CHIC are well-hidden and viewable only through the 360AR apps available on iPhone and Android.  For this anniversary theme, exclusive footage, interviews, and fashion photos that have never been publicized since 1993 will make their debut public appearance.

To demonstrate the QR Code technology, 360Fashion built a retail environment for the CHIC YOUNG BLOOD Area using hangtags on products, posters, and display cases. Visitors could scan the QR codes on the tags, posters, and walls, and be immediately linked to weibo, website, eCommerce, and contact information for the brands of these products.

The NFC wall is where 360Fashion cooperated with ESMOD Fashion School of Beijing, displaying a trend analysis collected about new technological textiles and fabrics. “Visitors can touch the textiles with NFC enabled phones and instantly see the name of the designer. This shows how brands can empower their products by using the mobile device,” said Anina Net, founder and CEO of 360Fashion Network.

The APP wall presented all the 360Fashion Network mobile applications downloadable to almost every mobile phone: from low-end phones to high-end devices. Anina is also launching her own mobile game for girls “ANINA DRESS UP”, downloadable to play on iPhone (, along with 360Fashion Look-Book app pre-installed on all N9 handsets in China ( In addition, on the wall, a series of fashion brand apps are available for viewing and downloading so spectators can load their phones with fashion.

“We have been hosting CHIC for the last 20 years; with 360Fashion’s participation and support this year, we are able to show the world that we are in pace with the new technologies for fashion brands,” said Mr. Chen Dapeng, Executive Vice President of China National Garment Association.

“Working with CHIC is a great step forward for Fashion & Technology globally. The fashion industry worldwide is struggling to understand how to leverage mobile and social technologies into their traditional businesses. With this exhibition we can clearly show brands how these new interactive media can support their collections and bring them into intimate contact with customers,” said Anina.

Chinese fashion brands in general are not currently maximizing branded mobile apps for their branding and corporate communication, which is the norm for Western brands overseas.

Jason is an Australian born Chinese living in Beijing, specializing in entrepreneurship, start-ups and the investment eco-system in China, especially in the tech and social area.

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